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How else can I help?Community food drives are one of the most helpful ways you can support the pantry! Find out more about Food Drives here, or you check with your local community groups (places of worship, youth clubs, neighborhoods) to find an ongoing food drive!
What are you doing to keep volunteers and clients safe?We have reduced our number of volunteers to an extreme minimum, and only allow 5-6 volunteers assigned to the same shift each week and one staff member to be in the building at a time. We maintain 6 feet of social distance when performing the pantry tasks (unloading trucks, packaging groceries, cleaning, etc.). Volunteers who have any symptoms of illness are not permitted to enter the pantry. All staff and volunteers wear face coverings and gloves, and sanitize our hands and spaces frequently, as per CDC guidelines. Additionally, any food donations we receive are stored for a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) before they are handled by volunteers or distributed to clients.
Can I volunteer to help at the pantryWe are currently not accepting volunteers at the pantry out of an abundance of caution for staff and volunteers. Right now we are strictly limiting the number of volunteers we have in the building.
Are you still accepting donations?Absolutely! We are available to accept food donations at the Pantry on Tuesdays from 10-1 or during distribution hours on Wednesdays from 2-7 pm. If you are unable to bring your donations at those times, please call us 978-635-9295 and we can try to arrange another time. Another way to donate is to make a financial contribution through our website here. For donations via mail, please make checks payable to Acton Community Supper and Food Pantry, Inc., P.O. Box 2098, Acton, MA 01720
Can the virus be distributed through food?The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) are not aware of any reports at this time that suggest COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or food packaging. However, if you wish, you can wipe down product packaging and allow it to air dry, as an extra precaution.
Where can I get more information?Centers for Disease Control: CDC COVID-19 (Centers for Disease Control) Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Coronavirus Update Greater Boston Food Bank: COVID-19 Response
Will people still be able to get food?At this time, we are currently able to remain open, though clients are not permitted to enter the pantry. They will choose from a list each week and those items will be packed for them by volunteers. Additionally, you do not need to be a registered client of the food pantry; we will provide food to anyone who is in need.
If the Pantry is closed on Wednesday, may I come on Thursday?"No. If the pantry is closed on a Wednesday, it will also be closed on Thursday. Due to the shorter hours and smaller number of volunteers we have on Thursdays, we are not able to support the over 220 clients we serve weekly in just two hours on Thursdays.
I usually come on Wednesdays. Can I come Thursday this week?Yes! Clients can come to the pantry once a week, either on Wednsday or Thursday during Distribution Hours. Clients may only visit the pantry once a week.
I have to follow a special diet (gluten-free, lactose intolerant, diabetc, etc.). Is there food for me at the Pantry?"Yes! We do our best to provide food for all diets. When you come to the pantry, just let the front desk staff know about your diet, and our shopper aides will help you find what you need. We are happy to receive food from The Gluten Free Food Bank.
If the weather is bad, will the Pantry be open for shopping?"Pantry Closing - Weather Policy Update 2019 - If AB schools are closed on a Wednesday then the pantry will be closed both Wednesday and Thursday that week. - If the AB schools have a delayed opening on a Wednesday, the pantry will open at 12:00 pm (noon) on Wednesday instead of at 10:00 am, and will have regular 9:30 am-11:30 am hours on Thursday. - If the AB schools have a delayed opening or are closed on a Thursday, the pantry will be closed that day. You can check here for school closures.
Can I become a client?Residents of Acton and its contiguous towns - Boxborough, Concord, Carlisle, Littleton, Maynard, Stow and Westford - are all eligible for services at the Acton Food Pantry. In an emergency situtation, clients from outside of our service area will be permitted to shop once on their first visit, and we will help them find a pantry within their area. Registration with name, address, and number and ages of household members is required upon your first visit to the Pantry. Re-registration is required annually; the date will be posted at the Pantry prior to that time.
2019- We've updated our Bad Weather Policy! Click here to see the changes. - Stop and Shop donates over $1500 through "Food for Friends" Summer 2019 campaign - Long-time Director, Kathy Casaletto, says goodbye to the the pantry - Purchased large walk-in produce cooler - Received $30,000 grant from the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEAFP)
2017The Pantry undergoes a major renovation Middlesex West Chamber honors community leaders Kathy Casaletto, Pantry Executive Director, receives Community Service Award
2018- Foundation for MetroWest for their generous grant award toward the cost of a commercial refrigerator, which allows us to distribute additional fresh produce and dairy products to our clients. - Clothes Closet closes to accomodate new commercial walk-in refrigeration unit. - Received $20,000 donation from The Middlesex Saving Charitable Foundation
2015Acton Community Supper and Food Pantry prepares for high demand
2016Highrock Church visits the pantry AB Rotary Club Donates $7,000 to Acton Food Pantry
2020DECEMBER: Wonderful news from the Greater Boston Food Bank: "WE DID IT - State Funding Secured. We are excited to announce that Governor Charlie Baker has signed the FY21 budget into law - including $30 million for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEFAP)!This is an historic response from our state officials thanks to the tireless efforts by you, our legislative champions, and hunger-relief advocates across the Commonwealth. This funding will help support The Greater Boston Food Bank to sustain our historic levels of food distribution as we continue to respond to the public and economic crisis as a result of COVID-19...We can't thank you enough for your advocacy during this budget process. DECEMBER: The Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough will host a virtual silent auction (Bid for Brighter Futures) from Feb 11 - 27, 2021 which will benefit the Acton Food Pantry and the Domestic Violence Services Network, Inc. So grateful for this wonderful service organization that does so much good in our communities. Learn more here NOVEMBER:During this Thanksgiving week, the Pantry would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to the Acton Lions Club for their extremely generous donation this year. Those funds allowed us to buy 100 turkeys, 150 loaves of bread, cans of gravy, cream of mushroom soup, crispy fried onions, and much-needed extra half gallons of milk for our Thanksgiving distribution. We are especially thankful, because we know the Lions Club hasn’t been able to host many of its usual fundraisers this year – and yet they still generously donated to the Pantry. The items purchased with those funds supplemented the food we received from the Greater Boston Food Bank (cranberry sauce, stuffing, green beans, turkeys and chickens) to allow us to provide a delicious Thanksgiving dinner to the 325 households that visited the Pantry last week. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Acton Lions Club! JUNE: A statement from our leasdership: The Acton Community Supper and Food Pantry stands with our Black community and condemns racial violence and police brutality...(click to continue) MARCH: We are so happy to partner with AB schools and can offer access to a mini pantry for students in need, located inside one of our ABRHS schools.
2011Kathy Casaletto receives Leadership Award Q&A -- Acton food pantry director speaks
What is the weather policy for volunteers working at the pantry?If Acton-Boxborough Schools are closed due to weather, the Pantry is closed. Please check school cancellations on TV. If Acton-Boxborough Schools have a delayed opening due to weather, the Pantry is closed. If Acton-Boxborough schools call for an early dismissal due to the weather, the Pantry will also close early. Volunteers will be contacted by email or phone when that decision is made. If the Pantry is closed on Wednesday, the Pantry is also closed on Thursday. You can check here for school closures, and we will put up a message on our Facebook page when we are closed due to weather.
How can I get involved as a volunteer?That's easy! Simply email to let us know you're interested! We have a variety of positions for volunteers, and we would love to find a position that fits your schedule and interests!
Can my children volunteer?Unfortunately, we not able to have volunteers under 18 years old work with our clients. We do, however, have weekend family volunteer crews who sort food at the Pantry one weekend a month. If you're interested in volunteering as a family for a monthly volunteer commitment, please contact us If you are interested in getting your child/ren involved in helping the community, we suggest supporting the pantry through organizing a food drive in your school or community. If this is something you are interested in, please contact us, and we would be happy to give you some resources to get you started.
How many people does Acton Food Pantry serve?Acton Food Pantry and Community Supper serves an average of 200-220 familes each week, and have 525 families registered and eligible for service. In 2018, we distributed over 310,000 lbs of food to our clients!
Do you accept baby items?Yes! We are most in need of Diapers, Baby wipes, Formula, and Baby Food. If you have additional items you might wish to donate please contact us.
Can I donate clothing?In order to continue our mission of helping alleviate food-insecurity in our community, we closed the Clothes Closet at the end of 2018. For community members in need, we encourage you to visit The Cornerstone Thrift Shop at Acton Congregational Church. The ACC Cornerstone Thrift Shop is located at 12 Concord Road, Acton and is open Mon, Fri 10 am-2 pm, Wed 3-5:30 pm, and Sat 10 am-Noon, from September to June.
How do I deliver my donations to the Pantry?Donations can be delivered directly to Acton Food Pantry on Wednesday or Thursday during Distribution Hours (Wednesday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm and Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30 am) or dropped into the drop boxes at the locations listed here. You can also call the pantry at 978-635-9295 to make an appointment for delivering your donations. Please leave a message with your contact information.
Do you accept household goods?Unfortunately, due to our small size and limited storage capacity, we are not able to accept household items. We suggest you contact Acton Household Goods for this type of donation.
Can I donate food? What foods is the Pantry in need of?Yes! We are happy to accept non-perishable food donations within the printed "best before" date. Fresh produce and dairy is needed in such high volume that we only take these items from large donors. For more information on what food items are needed at the Pantry, click here.
How is the Pantry funded? Can I donate funds?The Pantry is funded through a diversity of revenue sources, including special fundraising events, individual donations, and corporate and foundation grants. if you are interested in donating to the Pantry, please visit our Donations page!
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